RecoRNA Biotech completes millions of USD in Angel round funding

scanning: time:2022-07-01

In May 2022, RecoRNA completed its angel investment financing round, which was jointly invested by Hangzhou Xiaoquan No.2 Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), Hangzhou Yigong Yizheng Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Beijing Life Science Park Innovation Investment Fund (Limited Partnership), raising millions of USD. This round of financing will be deployed for the research and development of the company's core projects, the verification of core pipeline projects, and team building.


Located in the International BioIsland, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, RecoRNA is one of the first companies to settle  in the BeiGene Bioisland Innovation Center. RecoRNA is a team of dedicated sientists led by returned scientists from Stanford University and senior executives and drug hunters from the  pharmaceutical industry. RecoRNA’s leadership draws on years of experience in drug R&D, operation and management of international and domestic pharmaceutical enterprises. RecoRNA has established a proprietary RNA editing platform by leveraging its intellectual property. It is committed to the treatment of rare genetic diseases, neuronal disorders, and chronic diseases to enhance patients quality of life.

RecoRNA is committed to developing and providing high-quality innovative drugs aimed at solving the unmet needs of patients. RecoRNA strives to become a world-leading RNA editing biotech company by focusing on disease fields with no effective conventional treatment (small molecules, biologics). RecoRNA seeks to obtain the first RNA editing drug IND in China and even the world.